As we enter the new year, we’re all pumped up with new energy and an outlook towards having a phenomenal year ahead. This is why the beginning of the year is a good time to make resolutions, set new goals and strategies for recruitment that will positively fuel your organisation.
To help make your recruitment resolutions achievable, below are a few tips for hiring the best candidates for your company.
6 hiring resolutions for hiring better in 2022
1. Revisit and tweak your hiring process
If you’ve hired a fair few times by now, you’ll know what processes have worked and which have led to bad hires. Take the time to take a fresh look at your current processes and eliminate the steps that no longer seem to drive the results you wish for. As work life evolves so does the hiring process. A common mistake made by hiring managers is the lack of improving the process to stay-up-to-date with the market.
2. Create clear, precise job descriptions
The last thing you want to be doing is weed through a large pile of unqualified applicants. So, to avoid such a scenario, write up well-defined, concise job descriptions that are easy to understand and clearly state the requirements. Think to yourself when writing – can a five-year-old understand this?
Don’t forget, if you have existing job descriptions for a role you are hiring for, go through it with a fine-tooth comb and rewrite it to be relevant to today’s market whilst ensuring it will attract the ideal candidates.
3. Review your benefits package
If there is one major change the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, it’s the demand for more flexibility and work-life balance.
· Take some time to review your pay and benefits packages to ensure they are in line with industry averages.
· This is also a perfect time to do some competitive research. Because if you’re offerings are below your competitors, you’ll be unlikely to hire the best talent.
· You may also want to consider doing a survey to find out what benefits employees are truly seeking so you can tailor your packages and offer them what they seek.
4. Consider internal recruitment
Often the right candidate is sitting right under your nose but gets overlooked. Sure, they may be working in a different department or may not quite have the experience for the role. Nevertheless, you know they are perfect for the job. Sure, you may have to recruit for their replacement if they say yes to the new position. But if you look at the bigger picture you could save a lot of time and money.
5. Refine your corporate brand
Job seekers can often be like bees to a flower. If the scent doesn’t attract them, they won’t go that way. Negative reviews from current and past employees can hinder your chances of hiring the best talent. So, take some time to take a hard look at your corporate reputation and take steps to ensure it is pristine inside and out. For instance, if you’re working to resolve some negative reviews, in the short term you can approach some of your happier staff to write some good reviews for you. On the other hand, if you are working with a recruiter, you can discuss the steps you are taking to overcome the negative feedback to show your commitment towards staff welfare, which can then be highlighted to prospective candidates.
In today’s day and age, candidates know how good they are and where their strengths lie. What they want to know is how good you are. So, if you’re seeking the best talent. Ensure you can justify to them why you’re a good fit for them.
6. Time to get social
If you’ve been reluctant to follow trends and are still stuck using the old methods of recruitment through sites such as Seek, it’s time to broaden your horizons and venture into the world of social media. Recent social media recruiting statistics reflect that according to a survey by Glassdoor, “79 per cent of job seekers use social media when conducting their job search.” And another survey “found over 85 per cent of employers said social media helps them find and engage passive job seekers.”
Let’s hire better together in 2022
Hopefully the tips above will set you on the right foot to a successful year of recruitment. But as the saying goes, two heads are better than one.
Working with DukeMed, you can benefit from our Odro Capture video sales messaging tool to capture attention, cut through the noise, and increase engagement. The video messaging system allows candidates to connect with you ( as a hiring manager ) on a more human level and really get a feel for the organisation and its people; so, they truly know before applying If the two of you are a perfect match.
This is an ideal opportunity for you to answer the key questions candidates may have and provide corporate and departmental insights that the job description won’t cover.
So, if you’re on the search for the best talent for your organisation and seeking a service with proven success rates, get in touch today via our Calendly and together, let’s hire better in 2022.